国漫VS日漫 风格与挑战 | 胜利之音珍宝班

Jun 21 2023

The friends in the Jumbo class have experienced many enlightenment in the domestic drama class. With their continuous understanding of dubbing, they seem to be more willing to challenge.



Pre-text work: form your own set of marking habits


I didn’t have the habit of making records before, and it all depended on my reaction after seeing the picture. Even if I remembered some changes in my breath, I sometimes forgot when my focus changed during the formal recording, and I missed some details that I finally found out, which led to Emotional rigidity. But after taking notes, it was like another brain that helped me remember a lot of details. At this time, my brain only needs a little hint to give feedback, which is much better than the previous rush.


The difference between a small loss and a thousand miles, the difference between
the measures, the accumulation produces a qualitative change


When chatting with Teacher Jia Qiu after class, I also asked about the realism and small details of some plain voices, which are more direct than the round and full voices, but sometimes I always feel that the details are lacking for voice training. , I missed a tiny bit, and felt that I couldn't do it. The teacher said, it's not that you can't do it, but that you haven't practiced enough, tried enough, and experienced enough. After you have enough accumulation, experience and try, you will be able to understand the difference between the slightest and control the difference between the slightest. the difference.



Teacher Jia Qiu seemed to take us into an ancient market with many strange things. There are many rare treasures on the market that I have seen but never understood. Teacher Jia Qiu’s explanation gave me a deeper understanding of the dubbing industry.


What impressed me the most was that Mr. Jia Qiu taught us to record large groups. I used to think that Daza is very simple, just open your mouth and talk. In fact, it is not the case, large groups of miscellaneous is also a technical job. The large crowd may be placed in the background in the play, and may not even be heard clearly, but it also contains a lot of content. When I am in a play, I must know what era I am in, what identity I am, etc. In my own play, I am the protagonist.


"The group should be unexpected and reasonable." When I was doing group exercises, I played a TV series clip, which was a scene where a group of people witnessed a woman being chased by a zombie upstairs. If it was my previous thinking about Daza, I might only make a sound of exclamation. But Mr. Jia Qiu told us that as an "excellent group actor", he would think of a specific person for his role, which fits the atmosphere of the scene. I was thinking of a woman who was in the front row seeing what was going on, so I tried to follow the picture and give a quick verbal feedback on what was going on. As long as you think of Qunza as a specific character, based on your own life experience, you can actually say a lot of lines.



Teacher Jia Qiu’s domestic drama is quite special. Unlike other teachers’ teaching methods, Teacher Jia Qiu did not choose the same clip for multiple groups to practice repeatedly, but through a large number of clips, each clip is only entered into one group. The method allows students to experience the sense of play in different situations.


Unlike animation, the dubbing of live-action dramas will be greatly influenced by the original film, because the actors in the original film have given them their own performance methods, their body, lines and mouth movements have been determined, and the dubbing actors need to consider , due to many reasons, the mouth rhythm of the picture may not be perfect, which requires us to pay more attention when dubbing.


For example, we practiced a section in class. The actor’s body movements in the original film are exaggerated, but his lines are not full enough, so when dubbing, we must put emotions on top, so that the interval between the actor’s lines in the original film does not appear to be smooth. Very dry.



It can be clearly felt that when Mr. Jia Qiu analyzes the characters, the first thing he does is to analyze the performance status of the actors. The dubbing of domestic dramas pays more attention to the adaptability of actors than original animation. From the timbre to the feeling of the acting skills, we must move closer to the actor's performance step by step. Observing the state of the actors is essential, not only to analyze the acting state of the characters you are playing, but also to analyze the state of the opponent actors.


Teacher Jia Qiu said that a good actor will hand the opponent a ladder, and then the opponent will hand it back, so that they cooperate with each other to lift the whole work to a higher level step by step. The same is true for voice actors, who must always pay attention to the state of their opponents.




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